
The information on this website is provided on an "as is" basis, without any warranties.

The administration will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages, including bans and blockages resulting from accessing, using, or inability to use the site, its content, or related sites. This includes failure, error, omission, interruption, defect, downtime, delay in transmission, computer viruses, or system failures, even if the administration has been informed of the possibility of such damages.

All sales are final, and refunds will not be issued except at the discretion of the admin.

If a tool fails to work due to our error, users can contact us for a solution.

No refund will be provided if the tool is blocked by antivirus software, infected by a virus, or if the user's PC is malfunctioning, etc.

This Privacy Policy governs the collection, use, maintenance, and disclosure of information collected from users. By using our services, users freely and willingly consent to the processing of their personal data, confirming their capacity to do so. What information we collect about you: • Email addresses • PayPal information • PC unique identifiers Personal data is not publicly available and cannot be accessed by third parties.

The administration bears no responsibility for any in-game bans or suspensions.

The administration reserves the right to suspend subscriptions in case of rule violations.

The administration does not provide key replacements, upgrades, or HWID resets after a ban.

Decompiling, cracking, patching, debugging, or utilizing any reverse engineering techniques with our products is strictly prohibited.

The materials on this site or product cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Use of our services is prohibited if you or anyone you are associated with is involved in any anti-cheat development.

Sharing or reselling our products without our explicit confirmation is forbidden.

The administration bears no responsibility for any in-game bans or suspensions. Users utilize products at their own risk.